
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wear Sunglasses Because Light Hurts

Sometimes you just need to be annoying. With Lux, it's very easy to stop people in their tracks because she has a lot of crowd control, or cc. Before I talk about her abilities, I need to talk about her passive first. Whenever she hits an enemy with one of her abilities, they get "illuminated". If she hits and illuminated target, she deals extra magic damage.
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Her Q is a snare that lasts for two seconds and goes through the first target. The second target hit only gets half the time of the snare though. If you level this up first, you deal a lot of damage with it. I wouldn't recommend it though.
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Her W gives you a shield similar to Morgana, but it protects you from physical damage rather than magic damage. Another difference from Morgana's shield is that Lux's shield is a skill-shot that can shield as many champions as it touches as well as yourself. This is really useful as a support so that your ADC doesn't die at your feet because there was nothing you can do.
Image Courtesy of: Me
Her E is the ability you want to max first though, because it deals a large amount of AOE damage. It applies illumination to anything that is hit by it. Anything within the circle is slowed down and it is kind of able to separate you from the enemy team very easily.

Image Courtesy of: Me
Her ultimate is extremely bad-ass and is a really good reason to play Lux. It is a very long ranged skill-shot that deals a lot of damage on hit with very little notification of the oncoming laser. The long range makes it a very good ult for sniping and is really satisfying when you hit with it.

Image Courtesy of: Me
One of my favorite things to do with Lux is build Liandry's Torment on her. This item allows abilities to do damage over time when they hit. I like building it because I like imagining that the laser is very hot and it burns the target with it's ultraviolet capabilities. A good combo for Lux is snaring someone with her Q, activating her passive, throwing down her E and R at the same time, and activating the E when the ult shoots. This is a pretty rage inducing combo when you're on the receiving end of it because you can only sit there and watch as your health bar depletes almost instantly. Overall she is a very challenging champion because her abilities happen to all be skill-shots. If you do not want to play risky, I do not suggest playing her in the mid lane. I recommend playing her as a support because that way you don't really have to make plays to win the game. It is also more relaxing because a lot of the time using your abilities don't mean life or death.

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