
Friday, March 27, 2015

Popping Eardrums Left and Right

Do you ever want to play music so loudly that you can't hear the next day? Do you want to do this to your enemies? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Sona is the champion for you! Sona is a support/mid laner that deals tons of damage in the early game. With her passive, which lets you deal bonus magic damage with your basic attack every three abilities that you use. Each ability has a different affect on what your basic attack does. I don't really like the animations for the classic skin because they look really janky, but I'll use them anyway
Image Courtesy of: Me
Q passive
Image Courtesy of: Me
W passive
Image Courtesy of: Me
E passive
Her Q sends out two projectiles that deal damage to the nearest enemies, prioritizing champions. After the projectiles are shot, the ground underneath Sona gives any ally champion inside of it bonus magic damage on their basic attacks, including herself. This is really good for poke because if you chain it up with your passive, you can deal tons of damage with one basic attack. The passive allows her ultimate to do more damage as well.
Image Courtesy of: Me
Her W puts a healing aura around herself. This aura sends out two projectiles as well, but they only hit ally champions. any ally champion standing in the aura around her get a shield that blocks physical damage. The more ally champions inside the aura, the longer the shield lasts. The passive allows her basic attack reduce the enemy's damage.
Image Courtesy of: Me
Her E is all utility. It speeds up any allied champions within the aura for a short duration of time. This is useful for catching up to people, and peeling from the enemy. With the passive, her basic attacks slow the enemy, which is also useful for peeling or catching up to the enemy.
Image Courtesy of: Me
Her ultimate is very amusing. It allows Sona to send a blast of sound irresistible to dance to. This stuns any enemy or neutral mob it hits. It's very amusing when someone is chasing you, and you just make them dance so that they can't chase you. It's also a very good engage because you stun them for a long enough time that your ADC is ready.
Image Courtesy of: Me
I have never tried going Sona in the mid lane, but I want to try it today. I usually play her support, and she is really good there. Her passive allows her to poke down the enemy ADC so that they are less inclined to initiate on us. I didn't learn this until the fourth or fifth game that I played. I made a lot of people angry those first couple of games. I couldn't save my ADC on a lot of occasions because of the extra health that they had from me not poking them. If you like dominating your lane, then Sona is a good champ to start out with. She brings damage and utility to the to help you win easily.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Never Die. Like, Ever

The only thing worse than losing lane is losing the game, but those two things usually walk hand in hand. With Tryndamere, this is not true. His damage scales really well because of his passive. He gains bonus critical strike chance with how much fury he has. If you build a lot of critical strike chance, he gets very strong, very quickly.
Image Courtesy of; Me
His Q allows him to consume his fury to heal himself when he activates it. It has a passive which gives him bonus damage the lower his health is. This is really useful when you have your ult but I'll get into that later.
Image Courtesy of: Me
His W turns people into chickens. When they are facing you, their damage is reduced by a percentage. When they aren't facing you, or are walking away, it slows their movement speed by a lot. This is useful for chasing people when they are at low health.
Image Courtesy of: Me
If you look closely at this picture, you can see a chicken underneath Ryze. I don't know why this is, usually it's above their head. Anyway, Tryndamere's E makes him spin toward any direction he has selected. It does damage too because he spins with his sword out. This is a good gap closer because you can combo it with your W to make it really easy to catch up to your enemy.
Image Courtesy of: Me
His ultimate really defines who he is. It allows him to become invincible for 5 seconds but he can still be targeted and hit by abilities and basic attacks. It's kind of annoying because five seconds is a lot of time in an online game.
Image Courtesy of: League of Legends game info
As you can see, this image is not provided by me. This is because I'm a dumbass and forgot to take a picture. In the picture it says endless rage but the move is actually undying rage. This is because this picture is outdated and Riot found a better name for the move. I find it really funny when someone thinks that they can kill you, but you just pop your ultimate and proceed to kill them. It's also kind of annoying when you're playing Tryndamere and you use your ult. Normal right? Then you get pulled by Blitzcrank into the team. At this time, your ult is already gone and you just get destroyed by the enemy team. Tryndamere also snowballs very easily just by farming. He doesn't need kills to do damage. This is why he's an amazing late game champion, he can also chunk very well. If you're good at csing, then this champion is for you. If you're not, consult this guide.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wear Sunglasses Because Light Hurts

Sometimes you just need to be annoying. With Lux, it's very easy to stop people in their tracks because she has a lot of crowd control, or cc. Before I talk about her abilities, I need to talk about her passive first. Whenever she hits an enemy with one of her abilities, they get "illuminated". If she hits and illuminated target, she deals extra magic damage.
Image Courtesy of: Me
Her Q is a snare that lasts for two seconds and goes through the first target. The second target hit only gets half the time of the snare though. If you level this up first, you deal a lot of damage with it. I wouldn't recommend it though.
Image Courtesy of: Me
Her W gives you a shield similar to Morgana, but it protects you from physical damage rather than magic damage. Another difference from Morgana's shield is that Lux's shield is a skill-shot that can shield as many champions as it touches as well as yourself. This is really useful as a support so that your ADC doesn't die at your feet because there was nothing you can do.
Image Courtesy of: Me
Her E is the ability you want to max first though, because it deals a large amount of AOE damage. It applies illumination to anything that is hit by it. Anything within the circle is slowed down and it is kind of able to separate you from the enemy team very easily.

Image Courtesy of: Me
Her ultimate is extremely bad-ass and is a really good reason to play Lux. It is a very long ranged skill-shot that deals a lot of damage on hit with very little notification of the oncoming laser. The long range makes it a very good ult for sniping and is really satisfying when you hit with it.

Image Courtesy of: Me
One of my favorite things to do with Lux is build Liandry's Torment on her. This item allows abilities to do damage over time when they hit. I like building it because I like imagining that the laser is very hot and it burns the target with it's ultraviolet capabilities. A good combo for Lux is snaring someone with her Q, activating her passive, throwing down her E and R at the same time, and activating the E when the ult shoots. This is a pretty rage inducing combo when you're on the receiving end of it because you can only sit there and watch as your health bar depletes almost instantly. Overall she is a very challenging champion because her abilities happen to all be skill-shots. If you do not want to play risky, I do not suggest playing her in the mid lane. I recommend playing her as a support because that way you don't really have to make plays to win the game. It is also more relaxing because a lot of the time using your abilities don't mean life or death.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Technically Satan

In League, there are two Satans that I know of. These champions are also known as their alter egos: Teemo and Morgana. Teemo is known as Satan because he has so much poke early game, there's almost nothing that you can do to stop it. His Q does buttloads of damage and his E gives his auto attacks poison. Not to mention his ult which turns the map into a minefield of deadly mushrooms.
Image courtest of: The Extremist Moderate
Proof of Satan Teemo
We're here to talk about Morgana though. She's Satan for two reasons. Her tagline is, "Fallen Angel", which is also what Satan did, fell. Her Q, which is really dumb, like I can't express how dumb it is. At max level it snares for 3 seconds. That's a long time for an MMO. It snares long enough that you die before you can walk again. It literally cripples you.
Image courtesy of: ME!
Morgana'a Dark Binding
 Her passive also gives you bonus spell-vamp so her W is actually a heal move. Her W puts down a circle of "Tormented Soil" that does damage over time withing that circle.
Image courtesy of: lolpro
Morgana's Tormented Soil
Her E is another reason to despise her. It blocks magic damage and effects from enemy champion's abilities. This is what makes her a good support. She can save the ADC from an engage with a quick press of a button. It's really useful for "peel", which is when you run the hell away.
Image courtesy of : ME AGAIN! I figured it out nerds
Morgana's Black Shield
Her ultimate allows her to deal a ton of burst damage. She can only activate it when there are champions nearby. She initiates it and if she keeps enemy champions in a certain radius, she deals more damage and stuns them for a little bit. 
Image courtesy of: Me
One time I was playing her as a support with a Sion ADC. Sion wasn't a meta pick so I was skeptical at the beginning. When we got in the game I leveled up my snare first and made my way to the bot lane. I snared their enemy Teemo, (Not very meta either) and Sion got first blood. That was very surprising. A little while later I snared their support, which was a Lux, and we got her very low. She was at about half health. Sion used his E to scream at her and slow her, she was at a third health after that. Sion then started his Q, which charges up the longer he holds it, he managed to get a full charge with the enemy Lux still in the range. I was sure that the Sion wasn't going to get the kill on Lux so I started walking away because we were really susceptible to a gank from their jungler. I saw the ax   D-D-D-Drop and Lux disappeared. I was very doubtful at the beginning but Sion pulled through and carried the game for us. Overall, Morgana is an awesome champion that is a lot of fun to play. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

"The Time of Man Has Come to an End"

Sometimes you just gotta go fast. With Blitzcrank, it's easy to zoom across the map with terrifying speed. Blitzcrank is also notorious for his pulls as well. He shoots his right hand at his enemies and pulls them to his location. This asshole move is called "Rocket Grab" and is Blitzcrank's Q.
Image courtesy of: Doodle or Die
Blitzcrank pulling an invisible Teemo
This move is so annoying. Sometimes you see Blitz low on health underneath the tower and you're like, "I can take him." So you get close and he just pulls you in like an asshole and he solos you with a sliver of health when you have full health. His W increases his speed so that you can scream in terror when he activates it.
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His E lets you harness the power of Captain Falcon. This power is punching someone in the face so hard that they get launched into the air. This move allows you to lock someone up for a longer amount of time. It's really annoying. If you chain this with your pull, a champion is going to not be doing anything for a good amount of time. This is especially devastating to champions like Vayne because she relies on burst damage to take down an enemy.
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His ultimate gives him the power of God. He summons lightening to smite nearby enemies with insane amounts of magic damage. Not only does this ability have tons of base damage, it scales 100% with AP. This gives him another attack to add to his arsenal of insanity. (I know this video is in French)
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 When I'm playing Blitzcrank support, I usually chain my abilities up like this: WQER. The activation of the W first allows you to catch up with your target and gives you a lot of attack speed. Your Q pulls the champion to your location and your E knocks them into the air, giving you time to pop your ultimate. There are sometimes where I get too excited when I activate my Q that I accidentally use my E. My friends like to laugh at me about that. I have never played Blitzcrank mid lane with full ability power, but I know it's good because he has an evil amount of burst. I don't really plan on playing it mid just because I don't want to, I feel like too many people will get angry with me so I'll just leave it alone.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Crescents are Hard to Dodge Apparently

Sometimes when you feel like you're going to win your lane in League, you usually think these thoughts pre-level six. This is the case when you're laning against a Diana. She has a very distinct post-level six skill set. She has a passive called "Moonsilver Blade" that activates every third basic attack. It adds a little bit of extra magic damage to her basic attacks, and scales really well into the late game. It almost gives the enemy champion a false sense of security because her basic attacks don't do very much damage, but when that third basic attacks rolls around, there's nothing left in her wake.
Image courtesy of: the League of Legends Wiki
Regular Diana Passive
Her Q sends out an energy bolt that looks like a crescent and puts a debuff on an enemy champion or minion that makes it so your ultimate has no cool-down. It is called Crescent Strike.
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Regular Diana "Crescent Strike"
 The funny thing is, this crescent is unlike any other move in League of Legends. No one expects a curving skill-shot. They always manage to run into it. I have laned against one person that was able to dodge, except for the fact that they had just stayed back. Her W summons floating balls around her and give her a shield. If they touch a neutral camp or an enemy, they explode. If all of them explode she is granted a bigger shield. This move is called Pale Cascade.
Image courtesy of: the League of Legends Wiki
Regular Diana "Pale Cascade"
 Her E is and a near instant AOE pull around her that slows any affected creatures. This pull is called Moonfall.
Image courtesy of: Kismet Gaming
Regular Diana "Moonfall"
 Her final skill, Lunar Rush, allows her to dash to anything that isn't an ally. This gets you in range for your Moonfall and Pale Cascade. I usually do my combos along the lines of this: QREWQRF. F being ignite.
Image Courtesy of: Kismet Gaming
Regular Diana "Lunar Rush"
 I was playing against a "poke" champion on one occasion, which is a champion that just sits back and deals damage to you occasionally, He was doing a pretty good job until I got my ultimate. At that point, I was at a quarter health and he was only at half. I hit him with my Q and jumped on him with my ult. At this point he was already at an eighth health or something annoying like that so I pulled him with my E and pressed W, which promptly blew him up. He then rage quit. It's really satisfying to play a champion than can duel easily with the "overpowered" champions. This is why Diana is my favorite champion because no one knows how to counter her. I also have the Lunar Goddess skin for her which makes it better because you shoot flowers at people.

Comment a champion that you want me to play and give reviews like this! I'll do my best to learn them and give you a good way to play them.